Ashro Woman: Renee

Meet Ashro Woman of the Week, Renee S. from Huntsville, AL
What makes Renee happy? Besides putting God first, it’s seeing other people excited about their lives.
Alright Ladies, isn’t that a rare and beautiful thing?
With this kind of big-hearted outward focus, Renee is, no doubt, a bright spot in the lives of many. She loves being a mother and grandmother—so she can be there to listen to her kids and grandkids when they need her.
She also loves volunteering and working at her church’s after-school reading program. ‘The children keep you going all the time…and they are so excited about what they did in school.’
Do you need a word from Mama Renee? “My best advice is to pray about all things and do not rush before making a decision.” Thanks for inspiring us, Renee!

Name |
Renee S. |
Which city do you live? |
Huntsville |
Which state do you live? |
AL |
How would you describe the Ashro woman? How do you embody her? |
I describe the Astro woman as being elegant and playful a style of all their own a style that’s all their own. I embody as a woman that has creativity in whatever she wears |
How long have you been an Ashro customer? |
I’m a new customer. |
What do you do for a living? What do you like most about it? What don’t you like? |
I work for the Reading Plus Program at my church The Branch Family Worship Center. It’s an after-school program and what I like the most about it is that the children keeps you going all the time. They are so excited about what they did in school and also the after school program. |
How do you spend your free time? |
I spend my free time in church and with family and friends. |
What small thing makes you happy? |
The small things that makes me happy are family or people being excited for what has happened to them. |
Do you volunteer or do charity work? Tell us about it! |
At my church the branch Family Worship Center we have a volunteer system call 4.0 where we can volunteer as many times as we like as needed. From doing administrative work or or serving as a greeter for activities or church service. |
What do you love about fashion and style? |
I love fashion and style for every occasion from everyday wear till evening wear. |
Has anyone in particular influenced your style? |
No, my thing is I love bright colors I like to stand out in the crowd. |
What occasions/events do you dress up for? (for example-do you often dress up for church, cultural events, charity events, going out, etc.) And how often do you typically get dressed up? |
Holiday events such as Christmas dinners at church also awards ceremonies. |
Are you a woman of faith? How does that faith affect your life? Please tell us more. |
I am a Christian and God comes first in my life all the time. I am a praying woman. |
Do you attend church? What church do you go to and what do you love most about it? |
Yes I do attend church every Sunday. Not only to hear a word from God but to interact with my brothers and sisters in Christ. |
How are you passing along your faith traditions onto your children/grandchildren? |
Ever since my children were little we will always go to church and always had Sunday dinners I am still that in my grandchildren also now that they’re older they look forward to Sunday dinners and also going to church to learn more about the Lord. |
Are you a First Lady or a Pastor? |
No |
Your best advice? |
My best advice is to pray about all things and do not rush before making a decision. |
What lessons has motherhood (or being a grandmother) taught you? |
The lessons I learned about motherhood is to listen to your children when they are talking to you also by being a grandmother they’ll be able to come with me for just about anything to talk about this is what I love about being a mother and a grandmother that they will be able to come to me for anything to talk about. |
Are you an Ashro Credit customer? If so, how has our credit helped you? |
No |
Do you have a memory to share of when you first heard about Ashro or when you received your first catalog? |
I received my first catalog I think about 7 years ago. I heard about Ashro through advertising. |

Thanks for inspiring us, Renee!
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