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Ashro Woman: Monique K.

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Meet Ashro Woman of the Week, Monique K. from VA!

Image of Monique K.

This law school graduate, wife and mother has an undeniable RADIANCE about her. Where does she get it? It could be from many things: the strength she has built from dealing with cerebral palsy her whole life, the happiness that her children and husband bring her every day, the focus she has gained from owning and running her own consulting firm—or the deep faith that keeps her going.

Monique’s love of God, family and fashion is beautifully tied together.

“I belonged to a pastoral family for much of my life, so as one of the daughters, I was keenly aware of fashion. Sunday morning style formed my love. Watching my grandmother, mother (and don’t leave out the men in my life) take special care to go to see the Lord gave me LOVE of STYLE!”

Monique may not wear the hats she used to as a pastor’s daughter, but she still dresses up every Sunday. And even though she has changed denominations, she has found “that God’s Love is everywhere and [that] my calling was to bloom wherever I found myself planted.” Thank you for inspiring us, Monique!

How would you describe the Ashro woman? How do you embody her?
An Ashro woman is strong and ageless with a particularly amazing sense of style. I embody this woman because I dress with a sense of purpose.
What makes you get up every morning?
My family, my faith, and my mission to make the new day greater than yesterday in some way big or small.
What do you do for a living? What do you like most about it? What don’t you like?
I own a consulting firm. I like the diversity of practice, but I miss the sense of corporation.
How do you spend your free time?
Hanging out with my hubby and almost grown kids. Talking to my mom everyday since we live in different states.
What small thing makes you happy?
When my kids come in just to give me love and catch up.
What is your best dish? Who do you make it for—and where do you typically serve it?
Pulled Pork according to my father and I love serving it at family gatherings
What has been your greatest struggle…and your greatest (or latest) triumph?
Greatest struggle could be my cerebral palsy that I was born with. My greatest triumph to date has been graduating from Law School.
Who influenced you the most in your life. Why? And in what way?
There is no one influence on my life, each person that has crossed my path has impacted me in some way and many have been a blessing to me.
Do you volunteer or do charity work? Tell us about it!
I am a proud member of Phi Alpha Delta, a legal organization made up of men and women that encourages participation in the profession.
What do you love about fashion and style?
I belonged to a pastoral family for much of my life so as one of the daughters I was keenly aware of fashion. Sunday morning style formed my love. Watching my grandmother, mother and don’t leave out the men in my life take special care to go to see the Lord gave me LOVE of STYLE!
Has anyone in particular influenced your style?
What occasions/events do you dress up for? (for example-do you often dress up for church, cultural events, charity events, going out, etc.) And how often do you typically get dressed up?
I dress for worship, date night, events and even ZOOM calls everything but the shoes
How has your style evolved over time?
My style has matured.
Do you wear hats? How often and what type of hat? Do you wear them to church? If so, be sure to share a pic of you in a hat with us!
I used to wear hats as the Pastor’s daughter but times for me have changed.
Do you wear headwraps? How often? Where did you learn how to tie it? Share a pic of you in a headwrap with us!
Love a good wrap, don’t wear them often though.
Do you wear wigs? How often and what length or style? If so, be sure to share a pic of you in a wig with us!
Yes for fun! I’m blessed with a good length of hair so wigs are warm
Are you a woman of faith? How does that faith affect your life? Please tell us more.
I don’t know how I would survive without the Lord.
Do you attend church? What church do you go to and what do you love most about it?
Lutheran Church of Hope, this is our family home church they have a strong distance outreach that was active long before the Pandemic. When I became a Lutheran it was a huge change after being a Baptist, but I found that God’s Love is everywhere and my calling was to bloom wherever I found myself planted.
How are you passing along your faith traditions onto your children/grandchildren?
Our children introduced us to Hope. And they keep us focused on why faith is so important in these turbulent times. As a biracial family we get a opportunity to introduce them to a diverse history of faith and family.
Your best advice?
Be your own woman.
What lessons has motherhood (or being a grandmother) taught you?
Don’t let failed expectations throw you, move on to plan B.
Do you have a memory to share of when you first heard about Ashro or when you received your first catalog?
My first Ashro dress was this really pretty white dress very fancy, that I ordered with my own money for WOMAN’S DAY everyone was wearing white and I was a co-chair in charge of the red carnations and I was on program!!! Oh it was a big deal I was in my 20’s.
Image of Monique K. in purple wig
Image of Monique K. in headwrap

Thanks for inspiring us, Monique!

If you’d like a chance to be a future Ashro Woman of the Week, share your story with us—then watch your weekly Ashro emails to see if you’re featured next! Already filled out our questionnaire? Then you’re all set (you may see yourself featured in next week’s email)! Make sure to tell your friends and family to sign up for emails. We can’t wait to see you!

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