Ashro Woman: Kimberly F.

Meet Ashro Woman of the Week, Kimberly from Newark, DE
Would you ever think that this woman: an inspirational speaker, author of 3 books, and pro-bono legal nurse consultant was once told she would never walk or talk again? This woman of faith did not accept that prediction. In fact, she has now survived 10 procedures from several autoimmune conditions.
“It was faith that allowed me to speak, teach, preach, and to even praise dance until this very day. Faith is what fuels me to keep on moving forward.”
Kimberly is most definitely moving forward! Not only is she the founder and co-host of a community inspirational Comcast TV show, she volunteers in the community: giving free blood pressure screenings, educating about heart and breast health…and providing food, clothing, and toiletries for those in need.

Name |
Kimberly F. |
Where do you live (city & state)? |
Newark, Delaware |
1. Why are you an Ashro woman? |
I am a Ashro woman because I am a Virtuous, Intelligent, Confident, Go Getter, and an Inspiring Trailblazing Classy Lady. |
2. What is your favorite part about fashion and style? |
My favorite part about fashion and style is the way they bring out the Unique Beauty God gave everyone. |
3. What makes you get up every morning? |
God’s Grace and Mercy |
4. Your best advice? |
Do not let your past dictate your future! |
5. What small thing makes you happy? |
A nice walk in the park. |
6. What has been your greatest struggle…and your greatest (or latest) triumph? |
My greatest struggle was when I had to forgive those who hurt me in the past. My greatest triumph was not just forgiving those who hurt me; but helping them when they were in need. |
7. How do you spend your free time? |
Volunteering in the community by feeding and providing toiletries and clothing to the less fortunate or those who just simply fell on hard times. I also provide free Blood Pressure Screenings and Heart & Breast Health education throughout the state. |
8. What do you do for a living? What do you like most about it? What don’t you like? |
I am a Inspirational Speaker, A Author of 3 published books, Founder & Co- Host of a Community Inspirational Comcast TV Show, and a Pro Bono Legal Nurse Consultant. The thing I like most about all of them is that I get to help change lives for the better. The only thing I do not like about them is that I always wish I could do more. |
9. Who influenced you the most in your life. Why? And in what way? |
My immediate family has influenced me the most because they have always told me that I can do whatever I put my mind to do. They all continue to support me by being there when I have to speak, assisting me during book signings, helping me with every show, and most of all praying for me. |
10. What is your best dish? Who do you make it for—and where do you typically serve it? |
Collard Greens and Cabbage. I make it for family and friends. I typically serve it at home and at big Family Holiday Meals at a different relatives homes. |
11. Are you a woman of faith? How does that faith affect your life? Please tell us more. |
Yes, I am a woman of Faith. It is by Faith that I am here and continue to live each day. I was diagnosed with several autoimmune conditions years ago and I have survived up to 10 procedures when doctors thought I would not live; when doctors said I would never talk or walk it was Faith that allowed me to speak, teach, preach, and to even praise dance until this very day. Faith is what fuels me to keep on moving forward. |
12. What makes you laugh? |
My grandchildren make me laugh because I get joy out of watching how God uses them to say or do just what I need right on time. |
13. What lessons has motherhood (or being a grandmother) taught you? |
I have learned to be patient, stronger, resilient, braver, and to never give up. As a mother of 2 and a grandmother of 2 pushed me pass what I thought I could not do & do whatever they needed to help them be the achievers they have already become. |
14. What occasions/events do you dress up for? (for example-do you often dress up for church, cultural events, charity events, going out, etc.) And how often do you typically get dressed up? |
I dress up for Church, TV, Galas, Weddings, and Speaking Engagements. I get dressed up between 2-3 times a week. |
15. Do you wear hats? How often and what type of hat? Do you wear them to church? If so, be sure to share a pic of you in a hat with us! |
Yes, I wear hats at between 10-15 times a year. I wear medium to large size hats with a hint of flair. I do wear hats to church for Women’s day, some Holidays, and Church Tea Parties. |
16. Do you wear wigs? How often and what length or style? If so, be sure to share a pic of you in a wig with us! |
No |
17. Do you wear headwraps? How often? Where did you learn how to tie it? Share a pic of you in a headwrap with us! |
No |
18. Are you in a sorority? Or is anyone in your family in a sorority? If so, which one and what does it mean to you? |
I was in a Jr. Sorority in High school called Xinos. My Aunt is a AKA. Sorority means a bond between like minded sisters that have the same purpose. |
19. How would you describe the Ashro woman? How do you embody her? Does the brand mean something to you? Any memories associated with the catalog? |
Classy, Sophisticated, Virtuous, Strong and Confident. I embody the Ashro woman everyday by walking as a Virtuous, Classy, Strong, and Confident in who I am no matter what life brings me kind of woman. I feel that the Ashro brand means Great Quality, Fine, Versatile, And High Fashion Apparel with matching Accessories. I was looking for an all white outfit for The Black Nurses Rock DE Chapter’s All White Scholarship Gala last year; I had searched everywhere, but something said look at that Ashro Catalog. I looked and I found the perfect All White outfit that certainly made a Classy but Sassy statement. I love it! Another great memory was when I was going on a cruise and needed a island outfit; but yet something that would make a show stopping statement. I looked in the catalog and yes, I found a beautiful Aqua Blue & Dark Blue High low stunning show stopper! |

Thank you for inspiring us, Kimberly!
If you’d like a chance to be a future Ashro Woman of the Week, share your story with us—then watch your weekly Ashro emails to see if you’re featured next! Already filled out our questionnaire? Then you’re all set (you may see yourself featured in next week’s email)! Make sure to tell your friends and family to sign up for emails. We can’t wait to see you!
How is Kimberly keeping the faith during Covid-19? “Do not let your past dictate your future.”
Watch her video interview now >
Kimberly is not shy in front of the camera. Bringing in special guests or going out into the community, Kimberly hosts her own show where she talks about important issues that impact her community. Take a look at some of the videos she thought you might like on her YouTube channel.