Ready to make your home a beautiful reflection of your heritage, heart & soul? Come dream with us...
Only $25.00 a Month
Only $20.00 a Month
Only $25.00 a Month
Only $20.00 a Month
Only $20.00 a Month
Only $20.00 a Month
Only $20.00 a Month
African-inspired home decor for your kitchen, diningroom, bedroom, bathroom, livingroom and family room!
Welcome to Ashro Home, your destination for African-inspired décor, dramatic style and more! Get ready to get inspired, dream and create a home that is comfortable, inviting and all your own. No matter the room, we have what you're looking for: African-themed kitchen and dining pieces, African-inspired bathroom, bedroom and living room ideas—even accents for your study space. Whether you're drawn to African-themed art, rugs, furniture or blankets, you'll find options that excite you and enhance your home. Your home should nurture the person you are and strive to be. Let's get started!