Ashro Woman: Dr. Deneese

Meet Ashro Woman of the Week, Dr. Deneese from San Antonio, TX
This notable woman is a retired university professor, a wife of 50 years, a mother and grandmother—and an author! What stands out most about Dr. Deneese, however, is the way she has built a beautiful, generous life, piece by piece.
She has followed her faith and her callings: from her beginnings as a 1st grade teacher all the way to Vice President of Academic Affairs. Living out her faith is something that comes naturally to her. As a hospital volunteer, she aids those who need healing by admitting them into the hospital, praying for them, and making sure they’re getting their needs met.
She and her recently ordained husband also use their experience and talents to assist small, struggling churches in everything from leadership development to budgets. In addition to her professional accomplishments, Deneese also knows her way around the kitchen.
Her signature dish? Fried catfish, steamed cabbage, and cornbread. WOW and YUM.

Name | |
Dr. Deneese J. | |
Which city do you live? | |
San Antonio | |
Which state do you live? | |
TX | |
How would you describe the Ashro woman? How do you embody her? | |
An Ashro woman has passion for her purpose. My calling is one that passionately continues to evolve as an educator, writer, and critical thinker. | |
How long have you been an Ashro customer? | |
15 years | |
What do you do for a living? What do you like most about it? What don’t you like? | |
I am a retired university professor. I began my career as a first-grade teacher before my calling to return to school and obtain a PhD in curriculum and instruction. As a professor, I taught courses in literacy and multicultural education to pre-service teachers. Additionally I chsired more than 50 madyer’s committees and 21 doctoral committees over a thirty-year career. I published extensively with research articles on literacy, equity pedagogy the importance of inclusive exclusive As an administrator, I served as an Associate Dean, Dean, Provost, andVice President for Academic Affairs. | |
How do you spend your free time? | |
Presently I write lessons for the Adult Sunday School curriculum for Warner Press, and author chapters and books for Zinderman Press and Our Daily Bread publishers. Additionally, I volunteer twice a week for four hours at a local hospital. I workout with a personal trainer twice a week for one hour each visit. I love all kinds of genres of music, read books by black authors, collect multicultural children’s books, and enjoy attending the theater. | |
What small thing makes you happy? | |
I am happiness spending quality time with my husband of 50 years. | |
What is your best dish? Who do you make it for—and where do you typically serve it? | |
My best dishes are steamed cabbage, fried catfish, and cornbread. I make it for guest who stay in our home. | |
What has been your greatest struggle…and your greatest (or latest) triumph? | |
My greatest struggle has been to not allow others to “push my buttons.” | |
Who influenced you the most in your life. Why? And in what way? | |
I am most influenced by greatest in the form of individuals who have overcome their life barriers or obstacles. | |
Do you volunteer or do charity work? Tell us about it! | |
Yes. I volunteer twice a week at a local hospital praying for people, admitting patients to the hospital, and making sure they are getting their needs met while being in the process of healing. | |
Are you in a sorority? Or is anyone in your family in a sorority? If so, which one and what does it mean to you? | |
Zeta Phi Beta (1973) This sorority is representative of the type of finer womanhood and service I continually aspire to achieve with everything I do. | |
What do you love about fashion and style? | |
I love classical dress with a flair of Afrocentric style. | |
Has anyone in particular influenced your style? | |
No | |
What occasions/events do you dress up for? (for example-do you often dress up for church, cultural events, charity events, going out, etc.) And how often do you typically get dressed up? | |
Church, cultural events, weddings, dates with my spouse and all special events. I dress up weekly. | |
How has your style evolved over time? | |
My style has been enhanced as I learn more about who I am as well as who I am becoming. | |
Do you wear hats? How often and what type of hat? Do you wear them to church? If so, be sure to share a pic of you in a hat with us! | |
Yes, I wear hats to church. | |
Do you wear headwraps? How often? Where did you learn how to tie it? Share a pic of you in a headwrap with us! | |
No | |
Do you wear wigs? How often and what length or style? If so, be sure to share a pic of you in a wig with us! | |
No | |
Are you a woman of faith? How does that faith affect your life? Please tell us more. | |
Yes. I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior January 1977. | |
Do you attend church? What church do you go to and what do you love most about it? | |
Yes, I attend New Beginnings Ministries Church of God. My husband was recently ordained as a minister and our calling is to assist small, struggling churches with budget management, organizational structure, leadership and teacher development, marriage enrichment and workshops on f9rgiveness as well as outreach and discipleship. | |
How are you passing along your faith traditions onto your children/grandchildren? | |
The tenets and principles of holiness and walking by faith have been and conti ue to be passed to our children, grandchildren and great brands by precept and example. | |
Are you a First Lady or a Pastor? | |
No | |
If yes, tell us about it. | |
N/A | |
Your best advice? | |
Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul; love your neighbor as yourself. | |
What lessons has motherhood (or being a grandmother) taught you? | |
Motherhood and grandmotherhood have taught me the importance of role modeling and loving unconditionally. | |
Are you an Ashro Credit customer? If so, how has our credit helped you? | |
No | |
Do you have a memory to share of when you first heard about Ashro or when you received your first catalog? | |
No |

Thanks for inspiring us, Dr. Deneese!
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